Diabolo-Tetrabolo Compatibility


A diabolo is a figure made of two equal isosceles right triangles joined at equal edges. There are 3 such figures, not distinguishing reflections and rotations. A tetrabolo is a figure made of four equal isosceles right triangles joined at equal edges. There are 14 such figures, not distinguishing reflections and rotations.

Here are minimal compatibility figures for diaboloes and tetraboloes. Not all are uniquely minimal.


Diabolo Numbers

Tetrabolo Numbers


11 2×4 8××4 8×××4 8×××2 4
2××2 41 21 22 42 4×1 24 8×2 41 22 4
32 44 82 4×1 22 42 41 22 44 81 22 42 41 2


All solutions are minimal. Few are uniquely minimal.

Last revised 2015-04-11.

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