Polyabolo/Polytan and Polyfett Tiling

Polyabolo Irreptiles. Join variously sized copies of a polyabolo to make a replica of itself.
Similar Polyaboloes Tiling a Triangle. Join variously sized copies of a polyabolo to make a triangle.
Similar Polyaboloes Tiling a Square. Join variously sized copies of a polyabolo to make a square.
Similar Polyaboloes Tiling a Right Trapezoidal Triabolo. Join variously sized copies of a polyabolo to make a right trapezoidal triabolo.
Similar Polyaboloes Tiling an Octagon. Join variously sized copies of a polyabolo to make an octagon.
Similar Polyaboloes Tiling a Home Plate Hexabolo. Join variously sized copies of a polyabolo to make a home plate.
Similar Polyaboloes Tiling a Crown Heptabolo. Join variously sized copies of a polyabolo to make a crown heptabolo.
Tiling a Chamfered Rectangle with a Polyabolo. Arrange copies of a polyabolo to form a rectangle with its corners clipped.
Tiling a Chamfered Rectangle with Two Tetraboloes. Arrange copies of two tetraboloes to form a rectangle with its corners clipped.
Tiling a Chamfered Rectangle with Two Pentaboloes. Arrange copies of two pentaboloes to form a rectangle with its corners clipped.
Tiling a Chamfered Rectangle with Three Pentaboloes. Arrange copies of three pentaboloes to form a rectangle with its corners clipped.
Similar Polyaboloes Forming a Convex Shape. Join variously sized copies of a polyabolo to make a convex shape.
Convex Polygons from Pairs of Polytans. With copies of two given polytans make the smallest convex polytan.
Polytan Bireptiles. Join two copies of a polytan, then dissect the result into equal smaller copies of it.
Scaled Polytan Tetrads. Join four similar polytans so that each borders the other three.
Similar Pentatan Figures 2–2√2–3√2. Arrange the 30 pentatans to make three copies of the same pentatan at scales 2, 2√2, and 3√2.
Tiling a Polytan With Unequal Monotans. Dissect an arbitrary polytan into isosceles right triangles, all of different sizes.
Strong Surround Numbers for Polyaboloes. Surround a polyabolo, including its corners, with as few copies of itself as possible.
Rectification Numbers for Polyaboloes. Pack copies of a polyabolo into some rectangle, leaving as few cells vacant as possible.
Oblique Rectification Numbers for Polyaboloes. Pack copies of a polyabolo into some oblique rectangle, leaving as few cells vacant as possible.
Polyfett Irreptiles. Tile a polyfett with smaller copies of itself, not necessarily equal.
Similar Polyfetts Tiling a Triangle. Tile a triangle with variously sized copies of a polyfett.
Similar Polyfetts Tiling a Square. Tile a square with variously sized copies of a polyfett.

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