Polyomino and Polyking Tiling

Tiling Rectangles

Polyomino Rectification with Holes. Tile a rectangle with a given polyomino, allowing isolated one-cell holes.
Two-Pentomino Balanced Rectangles. Tile a rectangle with two pentominoes in equal quantities.
Two-Pentomino Holey Balanced Rectangles. Tile a rectangle with two pentominoes in equal quantities, allowing one-cell holes.
Scaled Two-Pentomino Rectangles. Tile a rectangle with two pentominoes at various sizes.
Scaled Two-Pentomino Balanced Rectangles. Tile a rectangle with various sizes of two pentominoes in equal areas.
Three-Pentomino Rectangles. Tile a rectangle with copies of three pentominoes.
Scaled Three-Pentomino Rectangles. Tile a rectangle with three pentominoes at various sizes.
Three-Pentomino Balanced Rectangles. Tile a rectangle with three pentominoes in equal quantities.
Three-Pentomino Holey Balanced Rectangles. Tile a rectangle with three pentominoes in equal quantities, allowing one-cell holes.
Scaled Three-Pentomino Balanced Rectangles. Tile a rectangle with various sizes of three pentominoes in equal areas.
Separated Pentominoes Tiling a Rectangle. Tile the largest possible rectangle with copies of three or four pentominoes, with no two copies of the same pentomino touching.
Prime Rectangle Tilings for the Y Pentomino. Irreducible rectangles formed of Y pentominoes.
Yin-Yang Dominoes. Arrange 10 of the 12 pentominoes to cover a bi-colored domino.
Hexomino Pair Rectangles. Arrange copies of two hexominoes to form a rectangle.
Scaled Hexomino Pair Rectangles. Arrange copies of two hexominoes at various scales to form a rectangle.
Prime Rectangles for Tetrakings.. For each tetraking, find the irreducible rectangles that it can tile.

Tiling L-Shaped Polyominoes

Tiling an L Shape with a Polyomino. Tile an L-shaped polyomino with copies of a given polyomino.
Tiling an L Shape with the 12 Pentominoes. Tile various L-shaped polyominoes with the 12 pentominoes.
Tiling an L Shape with a Tetromino and a Pentomino. Tile an L-shaped polyomino with copies of a given tetromino and pentomino.
L Shapes From Two Pentominoes. Form an L-shaped (hexagonal) polyomino with copies of two pentominoes, using at least one of each.
Holey L Shapes From Two Pentominoes. Form an L-shaped (hexagonal) polyomino with copies of two pentominoes, using at least one of each, and allowing one-celled holes that do not touch the perimeter or one another.
Scaled Two-Pentomino L Shapes. Form an L-shaped (hexagonal) polyomino with copies of two pentominoes, letting them be enlarged, using at least one of each.
L Shapes From Two Hexominoes. Form an L-shaped (hexagonal) polyomino with copies of two hexominoes, using at least one of each.
Tiling an L Shape with Three Pentominoes. Tile an L-shaped polyomino with copies of three given pentominoes.
Scaled Three-Pentomino L Shapes. Tile an L-shaped polyomino with copies of three given pentominoes at various sizes.

Other Tilings and Coverings

Pentomino Pairs Tiling a Rectangle with One Corner Cell Removed.
Hexomino Pairs Tiling a Rectangle with Two Opposite Corner Cells Removed.
Hexomino Pairs Tiling a Rectangle with Two Neighboring Corner Cells Removed.
Pentomino Pairs Tiling a Rectangle with Three Corner Cells Removed.
Pentomino Pairs Tiling a Rectangle with the Four Corner Cells Removed.
Scaled Pentomino Pairs Tiling a Rectangle with the Four Corner Cells Removed.
Scaled Pentomino Triples Tiling a Rectangle with the Four Corner Cells Removed.
Hexomino Pairs Tiling a Rectangle with One Corner Cell Removed.
Hexomino Pairs Tiling a Rectangle with Two Opposite Corner Cells Removed.
Hexomino Pairs Tiling a Rectangle with Two Neighboring Corner Cells Removed.
Hexomino Pairs Tiling a Rectangle with Three Corner Cells Removed.
Hexomino Pairs Tiling a Rectangle with the Four Corner Cells Removed.
Two-Pentomino Square Frames.
Three-Pentomino Square Frames.
Tiling Right Trapezoidal Polyominoes with Two Pentominoes.
Tiling Right Trapezoidal Polyominoes with Three Pentominoes.
Tiling a Blunt Pyramid with Two Polyominoes.
Full Symmetry from the Twelve Pentominoes.
Tiling a Beveled Rectangle with Polyominoes.
Tiling Strips with Polyominoes. Tiling straight, bent, branched, and crossed infinite strips with polyominoes of orders 1 through 6.
Uniform Polyomino Stacks. Join copies of a polyomino to make a figure with uniform row width.
Globular 3-4-5 Pentomino Dissections. Dissect a pentomino at scale 5 into two copies of the pentomino at scales 3 and 4, with the pentomino at scale 4 unbroken.
Perfect Polyominoes. Polyominoes that can be formed by joining all the smaller polyominoes that can tile them.
Polyomino Bireptiles. Join two copies of a polyomino, then dissect the result into equal smaller copies of it.
Covering a Rectangle with Copies of a Polyomino. Find the largest rectangles that copies of a polyomino can cover without overlapping.
A Pentomino Christmas Card. Pentomino art with an unexpected aftermath.

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